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The 威尼斯人在线官网 schedules public hearings on issues it determines to be of widespread interest and concern. A quorum of the Board is not required to be present for a hearing to be conducted. 除了特别的公开听证会, 董事会就其战略计划举行听证会, 年度经营预算, 基建改善计划(CIP), 学校边界. Hearings for the proposed capital budget and CIP and/or boundaries are governed by Board Policy FAA, 教育设施规划.       


 1. 这个话题, date, and opportunities for signup for a public hearing are typically publicized through the Board’s customary communications channels, including being posted on the Board's website and through a release to the news media.   

 2. 公开听证会的作证时限如下, 除非委员会在聆讯通知中另有指明:    

  •    Organizations*/Municipalities/Elected Officials: 5 minutes (*Organizations include: Montgomery County Regional Student Government Association/Montgomery County Junior Councils, 全国有色人种协进会家长委员会, MCCPTA, 集群, 以及员工协会, and community organizations— an individual who expresses collective advocacy for a particular organization’s viewpoint.)   
  •    个人:3分钟       

想说话的人, 除了群集协调员或区域副总裁, 我只能预订一个座位吗. Only one speaker will be registered for any organization, unless the Board provides otherwise. 个人和组织不得将时间让给已经注册的其他人. Elected officials are given the courtesy of being placed on the agenda at the time of their choice. Speakers are requested to submit their testimony electronically to the 威尼斯人在线官网 Office at least 24 hours in advance of the hearing. 没有事先提供证言的, speakers are requested to provide 20 copies of their statement at the hearing, 分发给董事会, staff, 并按. 公开听证会被录音、电视转播,并通过网络广播传播.    

有关公开聆讯的其他资料,请参阅 威尼斯人在线官网手册  



The 威尼斯人在线官网 designates time, during regular board business meetings, for public comments.  The Board is interested in hearing a broad range of perspectives from the community during this time.  注册和提供公开证词的流程概述如下.  如果您对这个过程有任何疑问,请提交到  BOETestimony@mcpsmd.org.

 A.    注册说明定期董事会业务会议公众意见

Individuals may sign-up to provide public comment at the next 威尼斯人在线官网 business meeting HERE. The sign-up period typically opens to the public one week before the business meeting at 6:00 p.m.,除非另有通知.  

The meeting will be open to the public and in-person public comments will be permitted. The Board also will continue to accept pre-recorded audio and video submissions for individuals who wish to remain virtual. 所有的证词都将在BoardDocs上提供给公众. Individuals who wish to provide public comments will register using the online registration form and will be selected on a first-come, 标间.   

除了在线注册, 董事会将恢复亲自出席的做法, 在空间允许的情况下,当天注册. Unallocated slots may be filled on a first-come, 标间, on the day of the meeting.

为了亲自报名, please arrive at least 15-20 minutes before the start of the open session and sign the form. In person sign-ups will close 15 minutes before public comment begins or when all slots are filled. 

  • 如有疾病症状,请避免亲自出席.

  • 禁止在走廊和门口聚集.

  • 大于8的符号.5英寸x 11英寸将被禁止.

B.     注册确认  

将接受多达20名发言人提供公众意见.  邀请下列发言者发言:

     1) 议程 - The first ten (10) individual speakers who sign up to speak to an agenda item will be accepted 提供证词. 

     2) 非议程 - The first five (5) individual speakers who sign up to speak to a non-agenda item, 会被接受提供意见吗.

     3) 协会/组织 – Five (5) speaking slots are reserved for associations and organizations and may be used to speak to an agenda item. 在注册, three of these slots will be reserved for the following associations: Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals/Montgomery County Business and Operations Administrators (MCAAP/MCBOA); 2) Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA); and 3) Service 员工s International Union (SEIU), 当地500. 请注意:如果协会没有注册, slots may be offered to other individuals/organizations who signed up to testify. The other two reserved slots are for any community or school organizations or associations and will be filled on a first-come, 谁涨基础.

     4) 异常 - The Board reserves the right to limit the number of speakers and/or similar perspectives on a particular agenda topic.  When the Board receives more requests than the allotted number of testimony slots available, registrations from individuals who have testified at a regular board business meeting within the last 30 calendar days may be declined, 好让其他人有机会作证.  

In the event that the slots reserved for associations/organizations are not filled, those speaking slots will be offered to those individuals who have signed up to speak on an agenda topic on a first-come, 标间.   

   C.    公众意见格式 & 内容

每位演讲者、协会和组织都将收到 2分钟 提供证词. 

一旦公众评论的空缺被填满, speakers will receive a confirmation email with instructions about how to prepare video/audio comments for submission. Please adhere to the submission deadline and instructions which will be included in the confirmation email. All written, video and audio, comments for the meeting should be submitted to BOETestimony@mcpsmd.org.    

This is not the proper avenue to address specific student or employee matters, 特别是那些向委员会提出上诉的事项. Comments about the actions or statements of individual staff members are not appropriate for Public Comment and should be referred to the 负责人 of 学校 or processed through available channels. 

Those who are not able to sign up or not selected to provide comments during the meeting, 可将意见电邮至 BOE@mcpsmd.org. Emails sent to this address are automatically distributed to all Board members and leadership staff.   

有关公众意见的更多信息可在 威尼斯人在线官网手册.