

有两种大学入学考试 ACT (美国大学考试)和 SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test), which are used for admission, placement, and scholarships. Most colleges accept scores from either the ACT or SAT. Check directly with each institution being considered for admission policies. Registration materials are available in the 大学/Career Information Center and 在线.


The ACT is a set of four multiple choice tests covering 英语、数学、阅读和科学. The ACT Plus Writing Test includes the four multiple choice tests plus the writing test.

英语- 45分钟,75个问题

ACT英语部分包括五篇文章和一系列选择题. This section covers 写 english (punctuation, 语法和用法, and sentence structure) and rhetorical skills (strategy, 组织, 和风格. Spelling, vocabulary, and memory or grammatical rules are NOT tested.


ACT数学部分涵盖了预代数, 初等代数, 中级代数, 几何坐标, 平面几何, 和三角.


The ACT Reading section includes four passages with 10 multiple-choice questions each. This section tests reading comprehension skills.

科学- 40个问题,35分钟

ACT科学部分包括七组科学数据和多项选择题. 这部分测试解释、分析、评价、推理和解决问题的能力.



There is a registration fee for the Assessment Plus Writing Test. 了解是否需要参加写作考试, visit the website or call the admissions office of the college or university. 学生 may be eligible for an ACT Fee Waiver. 有关资格要求和如何申请费用减免的信息可在学院/职业中心获得.

Scores are generally available 在线 within 2½ – 8 weeks after the test. 该服务允许学生在官方成绩报告通过邮件到达之前查看他们的成绩. Scores are based on the number of correct answers; 猜测不会受到惩罚. 学生必须将ACT注册表格和费用邮寄到学院/就业中心或注册中心的预先写好地址的信封中 在线. 非星期六测试,请访问 行为的网站.



SAT考试时长3小时(外加50分钟可选的论文),通过评估批判性阅读来衡量学生的大学准备程度, mathematical reasoning and writing skills (optional). 该测试每年进行七次,通常由高中三年级学生在春季参加第一次考试,大四学生在秋季参加第一次考试. 每个部分的分数在400-1600分之间,还有历史/社会研究和科学分析两个交叉测试的分数, 阅读的分数线, 写作与语言, 和数学. SAT Essay scores are reported separately from overall test scores.

学生 may register for the SAT test by mail or 在线. It is highly recommended that students register 在线. 学生 may be eligible for a SAT Fee Waiver. 有关资格要求和如何申请费用减免的信息可在学院/职业中心以及考试注册表格中获得.

SAT考试包括 Math and Evidenced-based Reading and Writing.


The SAT Reading test consists of multiple-choice, 以文章为基础的问题,涵盖历史领域的复杂结构和词汇, 社会研究, 和科学.

WRITING AND LANGUAGE – 44 questions, 35 minutes

SAT写作测试包括基于职业领域文章的多项选择题, 社会研究, 人文学科, 和科学

MATHEMATICS – No calculator: 20 questions, 25 minutes; With calculator: 38 questions, 55 minutes

SAT数学考试由两个部分组成,包括基于应用的多项选择题和代数中的网格回答题, 解决问题, 数据分析, 以及高等数学.

作文(可选)- 1个提示,50分钟



SAT科目考试旨在衡量特定学科领域的知识和技能, as well as the ability to apply that knowledge. Subject tests are also used by some colleges for admission and placement purposes. 学生 may take up to three tests in one session, but may not take the Reasoning and the Subject 测试 on the same day. 建议在完成课程的最高水平后进行科目测试.

There is a basic registration fee in addition to a fee for each Subject test. The Language Test with 听 is only available in November and is an additional fee. 学生错过了规定的截止日期将受到处罚,并且必须支付额外的滞纳金或备用费. 查看SAT考试公告或你的大学/就业中心,了解考试中心的位置和时间. 注意: 大多数大学都有 not 要求科目测试. 检查 college website to see if these tests are recommended.



TOEFL (Test of English As a Foreign Language)

The TOEFL® test is the most widely accepted English-language test in the world. 它衡量的是非英语母语者使用和理解英语的能力, 写, 并在学术环境中被听到. It is an internet-based test required by almost all U.S. colleges and universities for students whose principle language is not English. 考试分为四个部分:阅读, 听, Speaking and Writing and takes up to four hours to complete. 报名费包括一份考生核心记录和四份寄送至指定院校的成绩报告. The TOEFL should be taken in addition to the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT. You can take the Internet-based Test or the Paper-based Test, depending on which format is offered at your test center.



大学先修课程让学生有机会参加大学水平的课程,并有可能获得大学学分或先修课程. There are thirty-seven AP courses across 22 subject areas available to students. 测试在五月进行. 参观 先修课程 考试日期. 每次考试都要收费. 学生应与家长、老师和学校辅导员讨论参加AP课程/考试.



CLEP为任何年龄的学生提供机会,通过大学水平入门科目的考试项目来展示大学水平的成就. All exams are scored on a scale of 20-80 with the recommended credit-granting score of 50, which equals a grade of C and are kept on file for 20 years. There are 2,900 colleges that grant credit and/or advanced standing for CLEP exams. 检查 美国大学理事会网站 定位检测中心. 每个CLEP考试都是收费的.


PSAT是高中三年级学生申请国家优秀奖学金计划的唯一机会, the National Achievement Scholarship Program, and the National Hispanic Scholar Awards Program. The PSAT also serves as an important practice test for the SAT Reasoning Test. 它在学年中只进行一次,由两个25分钟的批判性阅读部分组成, 一个30分钟的数学部分, 还有一个30分钟的写作技巧部分. All tenth grade students will take the test at no cost.


学生 with a documented disability may be eligible for accommodations on SAT, SAT科目考试, AP, PSAT, 和行动. 接受考试安排, students must submit a 写 “request eligibility form” and be approved before testing. 当考试在一个中心在全国日期, 学生通常可以获得50%的延长时间,并且可以使用普通或大号的试卷. 学生 receiving accommodations more than 50 percent extended time or who CAN NOT test at a national center will be assigned to the appropriate Testing Center; check with your Counseling Office. A student who requires the use of a reader and/or writer must test at his/her home school. ETS Special Needs Hotline is 1-(609) 771-7137. 一旦学生收到准考证,准考证上写着:“请咨询您的咨询师,以确定考试日期和时间。," he/she must do that immediately to find out where to report.

大学Board: Accommodations on 大学 Board Exams


提醒: 学生有责任在9月初与他/她的辅导员会面,讨论测试安排.



蒙哥马利学院劳动力发展和继续教育办公室提供SAT预备课程,该课程在各个MCPS学校进行. This 32 hour course meets either after school, in the evening, or on Saturday mornings. 该课程是蒙哥马利学院劳动力发展和继续教育办公室提供的SAT预备课程,旨在帮助学生通过真正的SAT练习获得更好地反映他们的知识和能力的分数, 教学测试形式, 教学应试策略, reviewing content and raising test taking confidence.

There is a cost for the course and an additional cost for the textbook. Information on dates, locations and registration is available 在线 or a brochure can be obtained from an MCPS 大学和就业中心.  Registration assistance and information can also be obtained by contacting 240-567-5188. 7月底,秋季sat课程的宣传传单被邮寄到即将升学的三年级和四年级学生的家中. A second mailing advertising spring SATs will occur in early December.



许多MCPS高中在上学期间提供SAT预备课程,学生可以获得半个学期的学分.  这些课程是免费的,但学生必须在正常的课程注册时间内注册.

11年级同学: 在校期间免费参加SAT/ACT考试

十年级同学: 在校期间免费参加PSAT考试


MCPS is providing free 在线 tools to prepare for the PSAT, SAT or ACT through the TCA Online Study Guides.  这些指南可以在任何地方使用, 随时复习技能, take practice quizzes and track your progress.  专区, FinalPrep, for the SAT 和行动 is specifically designed for preparation the week before the test.  FinalPrep reviews the structure, format, skills, and test-taking tips for testing.
